I’m tickled and thrilled at the prospect of contributing to one of my favouriteclubs’ newsletters. While pondering on what to write for you, I thought aboutwhat would be the most challenging aspect of Toastmasters to a new member -and then, I realized that Table Topics is often a subject that Toastmastersapproach after they’ve become too comfortable with the rest of the process. So,I thought I’d offer you my top 10 tips for becoming a better Table TopicsSpeaker. Forgive me for drawing from personal experience.
01. Practice Regularly
Like anything else, becoming a goodTable Topics speaker comes withpractice. When you’re with yoursignificant other, for example, use thattime to practice by bringing up acompletely unrelated argument andseeing how much you can stretch it.
02. Expand Your Knowledge Base
I used to be confused with certainspeech titles, until I realized it was myfault for only knowing things aboutscience. I switched my daily TikTokscroll to a daily Instagram scroll, and Iended up expanding my knowledge ofcelebrities significantly. Also, browseliterally any other site for information atleast one hour a day, and you’re on yourway.
03. Develop a Structure
People love the “opening, body,conclusion” structure in any speech, andin a Table Topics speech, having anystructure at all is impressive. Trystructuring everything that you thinkabout in this way - if you see someoneattractive on the road, open yourthought with a sweet quote, move on tothe descriptive body, and wrap up withan “ah, in another life” lament and moveon.
04. Listen Actively
Next time your S/O says something,listen to every word meaningfully. This’llhelp tackle those pesky TT titles.
05. Think on Your Feet
If you’re constantly breaking rules, thismust come naturally to you. If not,challenge yourself to think fast, thinksmart and to articulate your thoughts atlightning speed.
06. Embrace the Unknown
Some Table Topics really mess with yourhead - replace the panic that sets in, withthe calm acceptance that you’re just goingto do the best that you can.
07. Use Humour Wisely
I know that a lot of you are hilarious, souse your natural gift for the humorousscript when you need to - but be carefulnot to offend or come off as inappropriate,as it might break your chances at a goodscore.
08. Seek Feedback
Your evaluator has 1 minute for you, so askthem for a longer evaluation after themeeting. Ask friends to evaluate you andpresent you with feedback later on. I knowwe hate to hear it, but that’s the best wayto get better and move forward.
09. Manage Nervousness
Being nervous is a guaranteed thing,unless you’re the most confident personon earth. Learn how best to manage yourparticular brand of nervousness bychanneling it into energy! You can even doa quick meditation before you start yourspeech - for about, 1 second.
10. Record and Review
Perhaps the most underutilized tool that we have (when we’re not mindlessly scrolling) is the smart phone. Ask someone to record your speech and go back to watch yourself, note the body language, the awkward tics, the things you do that you can’t usually see. When you know what you look like doing a Table Topic, you can use that information to put on a better show in the future.